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Checklist for spring-cleaning your roof and gutters

Roofing Advice  |  10th February 2020  |  Admin

As the winter draws to a close, and warmer spring months begin to take over, people are starting to enjoy spending time outside more and more. And with the changing of the seasons, it is common to make certain to-do lists that will help you wake up from the cold months’ slumber. While most focus on cleaning the garage, giving the landscape a makeover or planting a beautiful garden, those who think about spring cleaning the roof are rare. Howbeit, this task is rather important. Spring-cleaning your roof and gutters after the harsh winter months is a great way to ensure they are still of good quality. It will also enforce their longevity. So, let’s see what the checklist for this process ought to look like.

Before we delve into the tasks you should address, let us begin by saying that if at any point you feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the work in front of you, do not hesitate from calling the best roofers in Dallas to take care of it for you. Apart from saving you nerves, and time, they will also ensure all is indeed well and ready for the upcoming seasons.

Professional roofers on a roof
If spring-cleaning your roof and gutters is too daunting of a task, do not hesitate from asking professionals to help. After all, doing so will ensure a job well done.

However, if you are adamant on spring-cleaning your roof and gutters on your own, we suggest that you start with:

Addressing your gutters

Winter months have a tendency to leave a lot of debris and withering leaves behind. When you mix these with your gutters, what you get is a clogged pathway. And that can lead to many problems. Mind you, even if you did an impeccable job cleaning them out in the fall, or have had professionals take care of it, the time will take its toll. And, however arduous and time-consuming it may be, it is paramount that you clean your gutters. Leaving them clogged will disable them from doing their job.

So, start this process by getting a sturdy ladder. Do not wear flip-flops, regardless of the warmer months, but rather opt for shoes that will ensure stability and prevent slippings. Once you get to the top, make sure to clean all of the visible areas. When you are done with those, move to your downspout. As this is a bit more complicated to clean, we suggest that you use a hose or a plumbers snake for those hard-to-reach areas.

During the gutter cleaning process, keep an eye out for any damage. We suggest that you inspect the gutters one more time after you have finished clearing them. Ensure that nothing is sagging, that there are no holes, and that there are no fasteners missing.

Take a good look at your roof

Shingles are small, overlapping rectangular pieces that layer together to cover your roof. As such, they are the first line of defense on this particularly important element of your home. Most residential roofing Dallas services use them when installing a quality roof. So, when creating your spring-cleaning checklist, make sure to include these little fellows.

A nice looking roof- spring-cleaning your roof and gutters
To ensure your roof is safe and well, take a good look at the shingles, and ensure there are none missing or being damaged.

We strongly advise you to do an examination as best as you can from the ground, though. Getting up on the roof can be quite dangerous. So, instead of exposing yourself to hazard, if you notice anything suspicious, make sure to give a professional roofing company a call to check it out.

When spring-cleaning your roof and gutters, keep an eye out for mold

While on the duty of examining your roof, do not forget to look for any signs of mold and mildew. Catching it early enough makes fixing the issue easy, whilst avoiding any major problems. So, if you notice any issue, you can try with some at-home remedies. If you notice that the mold has covered a large area and further suspect that it is already past the point of no return, call your roofing professionals immediately. They will conduct a thorough inspection and decide how to proceed with treatment.

Do not forget to trim the branches

While this may be hard to believe, some of the biggest threats to your roof are trees. Hanging branches, as well as overgrown vegetation, can seriously threaten the integrity of your roof. And the best way to avoid the damage is to trim the branches. Keep in mind, though, that this is also a dangerous job, especially if you do not have the proper equipment and the necessary knowledge. If this is the case, consider calling a professional arborist.

A nice looking tree- spring-cleaning your roof and gutters
While truly mesmerizing, trees with its branches can pose a real threat to your property.

Look for general wear and tear

General wear and tear are normal to occur over time. Whether it is big areas of rust on the gutters or parts of your roof that are sagging, the general wear and tear are not that hard to spot.

While you can inspect your roof from both inside and outside, there is always a possibility that some damages who cannot be seen have occurred. Certain details are nearly impossible to notice if you don’t know what you are looking for. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of people are unable to pinpoint small holes, rusting and any blistering that has made an appearance. Regardless of your efforts and patience, sometimes it is just best to call the pros.

Even though you might yearn to handle spring-cleaning your roof and gutters on your own, keep in mind that untrained eyes often overlook things. Not to mention that simply getting on your roof is a dangerous venture as it is. On the other hand, hiring professionals is a guarantee of a job well done, and no injuries or accidents happening.

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