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How snow and ice impact your roof

Roofing Advice  |  7th January 2020  |  Admin

Do not let snow and ice impact your roof

Even if you are a snow lover, it can often have a big impact on the exterior of our houses. Drastic temperature changes, alongside snow and ice, can have a big impact on our lives during winter. The first structure on the impact of snow and ice is the roof. There is no doubt the roof and the attached structures take the biggest hit from winter’s force. Therefore, you need to find the best roofing company in Dallas to handle it with care. Because without proper care, your roof can suffer some serious damage and eventually cost you. There are several ways that snow and ice can impact your roof. By knowing them, you will be able to prevent costly repairs.

Snow and ice can impact your roof by causing winter weight

It is a fact that dangerous winter weight affects your roof. While rain adds some weight to your roof, it will roll-off. On the other hand, snow and ice don’t slide off that easily. The combination of heavy snow and ice dams can cause dangerous weight to your roof. But estimating how much weight is on your roof isn’t easy at all. Ice weighs more than snow, and packed snow weighs two times more than fresh snow.

Consequently, this weight can cause leaks, crack rafters, and eventually cause a roof collapse. Then, you will surely need Dallas roof leak repair services. Also, keep in mind that older homes are at a higher risk for structural damage. Especially if they haven’t had a roof replacement and are already damaged.

Snow and ice impact your roof negatively.
Keep your roof clean from snow and ice and prevent their impact.

What to do when you notice that snow and ice impact your roof?

When you see too much snow and ice on the roof, look for signs of roof stress inside your home. For instance, tiles pulling away from the ceiling or roof leaks. You have to do it this way because your roof isn’t visible under the snow and ice. Then, if you detect signs of stress, contact a structural engineer to conduct an assessment.

More cases where snow and ice impact your roof in different ways

Freeze cycle

When the snow starts to melt, there are potential problems to your roof. Melted snow can easily get into small cracks in your roof or gutter system. Then, when the temperature drops below zero, the water will freeze and the cracks will expand. That will eventually cause more water entering the now-larger crack, freezing and the crack will get bigger.

Ice dams can impact your roof

Once ice dams form on your roof, there’s a good chance of them becoming leaks. Eventually, those leaks can damage your attic and interior ceiling and walls. Especially when warmer months arrive. The problem of ice dams is common and problematic on flat roofs. That’s why we recommend you check your roof daily. Prevention is the key to annulate the impact of snow and ice on your roof.

Roofing blisters

Another often occurrence on flat or low-sloped roofs is roof blisters. Roof blisters may occur when warmer spring temperatures return. The rising temperature can often trap evaporating moisture and warm air between the layers of the roof.

Besides snow and ice impact on your roof, snow removal can cause damage

As we already mentioned, during the winter, it’s preferable to keep a close eye on your roof. Of course, you can try and remove snow and ice by yourself. However, it is not rare people end up puncturing shingles or the roof’s waterproof membrane. Eventually, the damage is bound to happen as they scrape hard to remove ice buildup.

Snow and ice impact your roof, especially if not removed correctly.
Improper removal can lead to snow and ice impact your roof.

Block snow and ice impact on your roof with prevention

The importance of moisture resistance is very big. That’s why roofing material manufacturers design shingles so that water runs off the surface. The water resistance roof will ensure no moisture seeps in and penetrates the lower roof deck. However, there isn’t a completely waterproof roof. While running water won’t get in your shingles, ice dams and snow can cause pooling water that penetrates every roof. Even the brand new one. Moreover, flashing is constructed of either aluminum or galvanized steel. The goal is to prevent water from penetrating in seams and cracks. So, water runs directly off the metal and into the drainage system. If you take care of these issues timely, you will prevent damage from happening. Also, you will have only a small maintenance fee, instead of a costly repair.

Should you remove snow by yourself or leave it to professionals?

As we already explained, removing snow and ice by yourself isn’t easy. Heavy snowfalls can have the potential to cause a roofing collapse if not promptly removed. That’s the reason why DIY snow removal isn’t the job for you and your shovel. Not even a bag full of chemicals will do it. As rooftop snow removal is a dangerous procedure, it’s always better to let a professional roofing contractor handle it.

Professionals will not let snow and ice impact your roof.
Roof experts will minimize the effect of snow and ice on your roof.

Snow and ice can impact your roof and damage the gutter

Besides roofs, ice and snow that melts and refreezes can cause damage to your gutters, as well. That’s because water from slowly melting ice and snow reaches your gutters before getting to the ground. In case gutters are clogged with debris, the water will probably refreeze filling gutters with heavy ice. This ice can cause serious damage to gutters. Also, heavy ice can detach your gutters from the roof and destroy the gutters themselves. Do not try to remove ice with sharp tools, as it could cause more damage to your roof. As we said, leave it to professionals who have the proper training and experience.

Final tips on how to prevent snow and ice impact your roof

  • Maintain your roof regularly. That includes regular roofing inspections, cleaning of gutters and snow removal when necessary. This is the key to avoid costly repairs with your roof, gutters, ceilings, and more.
  • Before winter comes, replace worn shingles, especially before the winter storms. Also, trim tree limbs and clean out the gutters. Those inexpensive procedures are easy and quick.
  • Proper maintenance means regular roof and gutter inspections. Contact roof experts as they know how to prevent ice and snow from ruining your roof.

To sum up

The bottom line is simple. Take care of your roof before and during winter. That way, snow and ice impact on your roof will be minimal. Protect your roof and it will last for many years to come.

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