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Affordable roofing materials – pros and cons

Roofing Advice  |  3rd January 2020  |  Admin

Affordable roofing materials - pros and cons

In the case that you have just bought a new house or are looking to invest in your current home, one of the things that you should be thinking about is improving is the roof. A roof over one’s head is a saying that implies a bear necessity. Therefore, we can freely say and we are certain that you would agree with us that having a quality roof over your head is something that you should make sure you have. Now, once you decide to invest in your roof, you should make sure to know what kind of materials you should use, what contractor to hire to perform the renovations and how long it is going to take. Today, we are going to take a look at affordable roofing materials. These should help you make the right decision about improving one of the most important aspects of your home.

Wooden roof
The wooden roof is an option to consider

Not all affordable roofing materials deserve your attention

The first thing that we need to talk about today in terms of affordable roofing materials is that not all of them should make your cut. You should make sure to find out as much as you can about roofing products before you move on to make your decision of which one to buy.

Affordability is the terms that we feel we should dedicate some time to. The reason why we feel this way is because many people started putting an equal sign between cheap and affordable. This is not how affordability works.

Cheap items are the ones that come at low prices. They are, most often, of low quality and awful durability. More often than not, cheap items are the ones that keep making you invest in the same piece time and again. Affordable items are not like that.

Affordable items are the ones that come at a reasonable price but are of good quality. They perhaps may not be the top tier options. Still, they are not the ones that will break down right after the guarantee is out. Affordable items are not cheap, but they are not expensive. In the case that you are looking to get the most for your money, you should make sure to understand affordability well. Ultimately, choose affordable roofing materials.

What are the affordable roofing materials?

Now that you have understood the difference between the two terms we are coming across every single day, it is the right moment to take a look at products AM Roofing Company can provide you with and present you with the affordable roofing materials. The ones that we would suggest using are the following:

  • Asphalt shingle
  • Metal
  • Wood
  • Clay

Let’s see why you should or should not opt to use them.

Asphalt shingle

Asphalt shingles are some of the most affordable roofing materials. In particular, the price of a square foot is about $1. Honestly, if you are looking for more affordable roofing materials, you are not going to be able to find any.

Not only are asphalt shingles affordable, but they are also easy to lay down and maintain. They can be made from purely organic to non-organic materials. Obviously, purely organic ones are going to be the most expensive to get.

While affordable and durable, asphalt shingles have two arch enemies:

  • Strong wind
  • Ice

So, in the case that you live in an area where you get a lot of these, you might want to skip this option and move on to the next one.


The next option that you should consider in the case that you are looking for affordable roofing materials is metal. 

Metal is the second most affordable material that you can choose for your roof. It is easy to install and does not require a lot of roof maintenance. However, its price can vary from $1.80 to $6 per square foot. Obviously, it is going to depend on the type of metal that you opt for.

Green roof
Metal is an affordable material for roofing

Unlike back in the day when metal roofs were made from zink and lead, nowadays you can expect your metal roof to be made from galvanized steel. This is the best option for all of you who live in hurricane areas. Our recommendation for you would be metal roofing materials. 

Wood is one of the affordable roofing materials

If you thought that wood was going to be cheaper from metal you were wrong.

This is, at the same time, the biggest issue with wooden roofs. Their price can skyrocket in comparison to asphalt and metal options. In fact, we are talking about the price range of $70 to $100. That is quite the difference, right? Also, fitting a roof window to a wooden roof is pretty easy as well.

Anyway, affordable roofing materials are made from red cedarwood. Why? Well, it is very resistant to insects and weather conditions. Also, it does not decay all that too easy. So, in the case that you should decide to go with the wooden roof, you should be protected for years to come.

Clay is among affordable roofing materials

The last thing that we have on the plate for you today is clay roofing.

For some, the clay would be their first choice. After all, this is one of the most traditional affordable roofing materials. It is easy to lay down and easy to change if it suffers damage. Hailstorm is what represents the biggest threat to your clay roof. Still, given the fact that it is made from tiles, changing them does not represent an issue. All that you would have to do is climb the roof and change the broken segments.

Clay roof
Clay is the best roofing material that you can get

Out of all the options that we mentioned, clay is the most expensive one. Still, it is the most durable one as well. Therefore, if it were in our price range, we would settle for clay.


By now you should have realized the choices that you have. Choose smart and you will choose the most affordable roofing materials for you.

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